Research Project Full Title: ANIMIDA III Beaufort Sea Ecosystem Study
Principal Investigator(s): Ken Dunton
Researchers: Tim Whiteaker
Sponsor(s): OLGOONIK
Full Abstract: The Arctic Nearshore Impact Monitoring in Development Area (ANIMIDA) III program broadens understanding of contaminants, sources, and bioaccumulation in the Beaufort Sea area. The program includes a comprehensive sampling plan to characterize the lease area and surrounding area’s chemistry and biota, generating data that are comparable to current and past sampling efforts in the lease area (e.g., past ANIMIDA and cANIMIDA work). A team of scientists from The University of Texas at Austin, the Florida Institute of Technology, the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Battelle, and Olgoonik-Fairweather conduct the work, which includes sampling in summers 2014 and 2015, with data synthesis in 2015-2016. This work is funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).
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