Research Project Full Title: Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials in Engineered Water Systems
Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Mary Jo Kirisits
Researchers: Bryant Chambers, Savannah Smith
Sponsor(s): National Science Foundation (NSF)
Full Abstract: The proposed career-development plan reflects the PI’s research interest in the environmental implications of nanomaterials and her educational interest in promoting diversity within engineering. The purpose of the research plan is to develop a comprehensive and fundamental understanding of the effects of nanomaterials on microorganisms in engineered water systems. This research is significant because it will provide insights into how nanomaterials could unintentionally affect biological process performance or the consumer’s exposure to bacterial pathogens. The purpose of the education plan is to provide educational, research, and professional development opportunities for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, who will represent diversity with respect to ethnicity, gender, and economic status. This work is significant because it will create new ways to recruit, retain, educate, and engage students in engineering.