David Arctur
Research Scientist
Technical interests: Advancement of international water resources data exchange and cross-domain interoperability and digital preservation of physical geoscience samples.

Michael Barrett
Research Professor
Technical interests: Quality, impacts, and mitigation of urban, agricultural, and construction site stormwater runoff.

Matthew Bartos
Assistant Professor
Technical interests: Real-time sensing and control of civil infrastructure; smart water systems; wireless sensor networks; urban flood mitigation; in-situ water quality monitoring; digital twin models for water infrastructure; coupled infrastructure systems modeling.

James Buttles
Research Engineer Associate III
Technical interests: Sediment transport processes and deposition to understand the evolution of both terrestrial and submarine landscapes.

Randall J. Charbeneau
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research with The UT System & Professor Emeritus
Technical interests: Groundwater hydrology; subsurface fate and transport of chemicals; radiological assessment; modeling.

Kasey Faust
Associate Professor
Technical interests: Management of critical, civil infrastructure systems, interdependencies, and vulnerabilities in various categories of cities at the interface of engineering and policy.

Xavi Fonoll-Almansa
Assistant Professor
Technical interests: Resource recovery from wastes, Microbial community Engineering, decentralized sanitation.

Courtney Gardner
Assistant Professor
Technical interests: Environmental microbiomes, antibiotic resistance, environmental fate of chemical and biological contaminants, genetic biotechnology, stormwater quality.

Ben Hodges
Technical interests: Hydrodynamics, transport and water quality issues in lakes, rivers and estuaries.

Blair Johnson
Assistant Professor
Technical interests: Environmental fluid mechanics, turbulence, sediment transport and mixing processes, experimental methods.

Lynn E. Katz
Director for Center for Water and the Environment & Professor
Technical interests: Contaminant fate and transport, combined abiotic/biotic treatment systems for in-situ remediation, environmental surface chemistry.

Kerry A. Kinney
Technical interests: The investigation of microorganisms in buildings as well as the development of treatment technologies for environmental contaminants.

Mary Jo Kirisits
Technical interests: Biological water treatment processes; application of molecular biology to biological water treatment processes; biofilms; quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms.

Manish Kumar
Technical interests: Membranes, desalination, water treatment, wastewater recycling, reverse osmosis, biomimetic membranes, membrane proteins, electron microscopy, structural biology, biophysics, bioprocessing, artifical water channels, block copolymers.

Desmond F. Lawler
Technical interests: Particles in water and wastewater treatment processes; mathematical modeling of treatment processes; physical-chemical treatment; drinking and industrial process water treatment.

Howard Liljestrand
Professor and CAEE Graduate Advisor
Technical interests: Aquatic chemistry; contaminant transport; pollutant containment and remediation acid deposition; air pollution modeling.

David Maidment
Professor Emeritus
Technical interests: Geographic information systems (GIS); expert systems and statistical techniques in hydrology and water resources planning; water use forecasting.

Daene C. McKinney
Professor Emeritus
Technical interests: Sustainable management of water resources, transboundary river basins, optimization, uncertainty analysis, climate change adaptation, glacier-dominated river basins, cooperative game theory in water.

David Mohrig
Technical interests: The application of sedimentary deposits and transport processes to unraveling the evolutions of terrestrial and submarine landscapes.

Paola Passalacqua
Technical interests: Multi-scale analysis of hydrological processes; dynamics of environmental transport on river networks and deltaic systems; quantitative analysis and modeling of landscape forming processes, geomorphic transport laws and subgrid-scale parameterization.

Navid Saleh
Technical interests: Nano-enabled water treatment technologies for developing and technologically advanced communities, safer by design of nanomaterials: environmental health and safety, and nanomaterial-reinforced sustainable infrastructure materials.
Dr. Saleh is an editor for the Journal of Hazardous Materials.

Polina Sela
Associate Professor
Technical interests: Resilient urban infrastructure, modeling and control of water networks, demand management, water resources systems management, cyber-physical urban systems, and fault diagnosis.

Gerald E. Speitel, Jr.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Technical interests: Treatment processes for hazardous organic chemicals including biodegradation and adsorption; drinking water treatment; computer models of treatment processes.

George H. Ward
Research Scientist
Technical interests: Circulation and transport in costal systems, hydrometeorology, physical oceanography, climatology, meteorology, fisheries, aquaculture, limnology.

Charles J. Werth
Technical interests: Reactive transport and fate of pollutants in water resources, including groundwater and urban lakes, and the development of sustainable technologies for pollution removal from impacted waters.

Timothy L. Whiteaker
Associate Director for Center for Water and the Environment & Research Scientist
Technical interests: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in water resources engineering; hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality modeling; scientific information management; bringing water resources engineering solutions to end users by developing Web and desktop applications.

Juan Pedro Maestre
Research Scientist
Technical interests: Environmental Engineering and Microbiology. Specialised in microbiology of the Built Environment, COVID19, and Indoor Air Quality- using molecular biology tools and low-cost sensors for solving problems in natural and human-made systems.

Harekrushna Behera
Research Associate
Technical interests: Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry. Specialized in short peptide molecules and macrocycle-based ion transporters to develop a sustainable and environmentally friendly ion channel for separating critical elements and minerals.

Andy Carter
Senior Engineering Scientist
Technical interests: Hydrologic and hydraulic design. Developed software and techniques for the reclamation of land encumbered by floodplains, and one of the top Civil CAD designers in both Austin and the U.S.

Christine Thies
Engineering Scientist
Technical interests: ESRI (GIS) Products, data analytics, GIS emergency management, and Regional Planning. Experience with various spatial & analytical projects, employee development, and department strategic planning with respect to fire and flooding.

Harry Evans
Senior Research Scientist
Technical interests: Disaster response, flood mapping, search and rescue operations. Over 30 years of experience in the Austin Fire Department.

Trang Le
Managing Director for SETx-UIFL
Technical interests: Intersection of sustainable development, community resilience, and flood risk management. In particular, exploring the possibility of nature-based solutions in building urban resilience.

Jay L. Banner
F.M. Bullard Professor and Director of the Environmental Science Institute
Technical interests: Earth surface processes with the goal of understanding the interactions that occur between the atmosphere-land-ocean systems, and how these interactions are preserved in the geologic record.

Postdoctoral Scholars
Kate Dowdell
Postdoctoral Research Affiliate
Technical interests: Researching drinking water microorganisms in water disinfection systems. the intersection of infrastructure and microbiology.

Girish Kumar
Postdoctoral Fellow
Technical interests: Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. Environmental site assessment and remediation, regulatory compliance, ISO-compliant life cycle assessment (LCA), solid waste landfill design/permitting, and green and sustainable remediation.

Arunraj B.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Technical interests: Synthesis and characterization of inorganic, polymer, and layered materials. Expert in rare earth separation, environmental chemistry, and contaminant removal.

Meng Wang
Postdoctoral Fellow
Technical interests: Engineering with a focus on data modeling, programming, and analysis. Expert in polymer characterization, fluid dynamics, and CO2 transport