Research Project Full Title: Streamflow Measurement at TxDOT Bridges
Principal Investigator(s): David R. Maidment, PI; Paola Passalacqua, Co-PI
Researchers: Harry Evans
Sponsor(s): Texas Department of Transportation
Full Abstract:
A Forecast Portal shall be created which will provide continuous access to National Water Model flood forecasting at 27,000 bridge locations in Texas. This forecasting effort will be supported by a streamflow measurement program at TxDoT maintained bridges using non-contact radar measurement instruments for water level, velocity and discharge whose data are integrated into the Bridge Forecast Portal to improve the fidelity of the bridge forecast information at the measurement location and at nearby bridges through the use of a forecast error correcting routine.
The Texas Department of Transportation maintains an inventory about 54,000 bridges, around half of which lie on stream or river reaches whose discharges are forecast by the National Water Model. The US Geological Survey gathers streamflow measurements at about 550 locations in Texas. It is evident that densified stream forecasting requires densified measurement. This implementation shall enhance measurement at the TxDoT bridges that could demonstrate how a flood forecasting system for TxDoT bridges could be developed based on the National Water Model.
Twenty locations along I-10 between Orange, Texas and San Antonio will be sited with instruments attached to bridges to measure the flow conditions through them. Data will be transmitted to a data system with a bridge forecast portal.
Additional Links: Presentation on Sensors and Imelda